

Typically, the following data can be exported from Bill4Time and imported into Clio: If you are not certain, it is recommended that you consult with your Clio representative before proceeding. Before attempting to migrate your information into Clio, you should ensure that your data is consistently formatted, well organized, sufficiently backed up, and stored securely. Please note that the success of any data migration depends primarily on the quality of the data set provided to us. Migrate from Bill For Time Migrate from Bill 4 Time Migrate from BillforTime.Have some questions? Contact us via email or phone at 1-88 ext 1. I'm sure I could come up with other nits, but overall the program works and works well.Thinking about trying Clio? Try it for free! This is a nit and relates to how I do things. it would be nice to not have to change the date for each entry, but to change the date just at the start and keep it on that date until you manually change to a different date. For instance, I usually enter time for a day on the following day.


CONSĪs with any software if you were to develop it yourself (assuming you had the ability to do so) you would do it differently in some regards. To know you have someone to call who can generally take the time to walk through and correct mistakes and provide technical assistance is critical. We have gone to a virtual firm model, so each attorney handles more and more of the day to day administrative functions, including billing and bookkeeping. They not help with software questions, but help even more with correcting bookkeeping errors. What stands out, however, is the technical support. There is some opportunity to customize them-to a point. Like for instance, matter-specific invoice reports for use in legal fee applications (amazingly, it does not offer that report!) Clients have found the invoices a bit confusing where they also contain trust account balances. The standard reports could be more of aimed at the reports that law firms would use. NetDocuments has this capability and it is VERY nice.


So if a user is logged into their computer, they don't need to authenticate on B4T. Single-sign-on allows the program to authenticate using a firm's local credentials, like the credentials for users to login to their computer. Another drawback is that B4T does not have single sign-on capability. If my firm had things to do over again, it would probably go with TimeSolv (and if B4T's prices continue to increase, we will make a move). The pricing is a bit steep compared to TimeSolv, which offers the same as Bill4Time and more. The integration with QuickBooks works well. Bill4TIme has/supports API's, which allow client and matter data to be fetched for use in other systems, like a practice management suite. The best part of Bill4Time is that it is intuitive for users to enter time, and expenses. They will respond-but it is not always productive. Its solid, simple, and easy to use.Ĭustomer service is responsive, sort of. We've used Bill4Time for our billing needs for over 5 years, and many of our attorneys used it before we formed our firm. Another popular billing program we looked at tried to charge us about 5 times the cost of our average user, merely because one report regarding collections was critical to our internal compensation model. We also use the trust accounting functionality which helps us keep on top of retainers. Invoicing is easy as well and so is receiving payments. There are also easy reports to provide for accountability of time keepers. Reports are easy to run and provide the information we need to keep a pulse on our firm's billings, collections, and associated compensation models. The program is clean, simple, and available anywhere through the web and various applications for mobile devices. I'd love more practice management functionality-but I don't see that as the main purpose/use of this program. I find no "cons" when comparing to other billing programs I've looked at. Its a billing program and is extremely effective at billing.
